Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tagged by 7aWoOry and Confessions ;D

OK this is my first time ilee i get tagged o it's kind of exciting ;D
THANK U 7aWoOry o Confessions ;*

ok i"m gonna tag ALL my followers o commenters so who ever is reading ur tagged o plz do it it's gonna be fun :D

1- Whats ur fav Disney movie of all time?

Cinderella ;p for some
reason I love her yimkin because i liked the fact that the fairy god mother came out of nowhere and all of a sudden Cinderella turned into this beautiful princess!!

2-Your favorite Disney song?

How does he know- Enchanted
I love this sond :D

3- Your top 3 favorite things to watch as a kid?


-al mu7a8i8 conan
-teletubies ( i used to think that i was dipsey cuz he's the second oldest ;p)

4- Your funniest badliya?

mara kint bas2al my cuz itha il canteen maftoo7 ihya she used to study ib America o ma abee as2alha in English fa giltlaha il mafta7 ma89oof ya3nee il ma89af maftooo7 ;$

5- The most creative way you can say "salam":

halaaaaaaaaaa o '3aaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

6- If you had to call your baby boy & girl American names, what would you choose?

if it was a baby boy I would call him Jack ( I'm in love with this name)
o if it was a baby girl I would call her Cindy

7- Your favorite teen actor and actress?

hmmm my favorite actor is Jackob Black ( 5ayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal)
o ma 3indee a favorite teen actress ;p

8- Top 4 visited websites

- facebook

9- The youtube video you recommend the most?

anything that involve bonifa hanifa latifa sharifa jackson ;D

10- Do you say Shakar or Shakir?

I say shakir ;D

11- Do you play a musical instrument & what is it?

Unfortunately No

12- Who is the person you'd want to meet the most?

I would like to meet sayidna yousif because he's the most handsome gut ever fa curiosity is eating me up ;p

13- Your most prized possession:

my baby born o my teddy bears ( chithee gabil a couple of months my mom shaft.hom ina I still have them chan itgoolee ishtabeen feehom tara bagi6hom I cried giltlaha l2 abeeehom '3ashat 3alay min il '6i7ik)

14- The word " scrumptious" makes you feel?

somethings cut like a chubby kid

15- The song that reminds you of summer the most is?

Boom Boom Pow

I hope u enjoy doing this as much as I did ;*

o inshallah there's going to be a post bacher :D


7awoory ;*** said...

ya 7ayaaaaaaaaaati...
i love enchanted...
oo marooccooooooooo...
love u babe...
i'm on post 7...
by the weekend ra7 a5al9a oo agoolich rayi ya 3asal...
so far so good babe!!!
love uuuuuuuu...

Red said...

yallah na6ra rayich ;D o eeee maroccoooooo ityanin ;p
ana amooot 3alaych ;*******