It was a 7 hour flight so half way through we slept
I woke up by the feeling of someone tapping on my shoulders
flight intendent: chicken or lamb?
Noor: no thank you I'm goodFlight intendent: Sir, SIIR Noor: cant you see he's sleepingFlight intendent: well I have to see if he'll like to eat somethingNoor: no he's good thank youFlight intendent: well fineit was cold and the blanket that Ali had has slipped to the floor, so I bent down and got it I covered him up and laid down once again.
I looked at the watch and hmmm I've got 3 hours to spend, the head phones were packaged in a plastic bas I ripped it up and started changing through the channels waiiii3 makoo shay iywanis I unbuckeled my seat belt and got up timashayt shwaya everyone was doing there own thing some were eating and some were feeding their children's others were hushing their crying babies I smiled and kept on walking and this old lady smiled back at me
old lady: intee 3arabiya?
Noor: ee 5altee ana kuwaitiyaold lady: wil ni3im walla Noor: yin3am ib 7alichold lady: shismich?
Noor: noorold lady: 3ashat lasameee ya Noor mashalla isim 3ala mosamaNoor: ma 8a9artay 5altee hatha min 6eebich wallaold lady: walla la3at chabdeee min hal 6ayara 9arleee arba3 sa3at ga3da 3ala hal kirsee il '6ayij walla tikasirat irwaylateee kila 3ashaaan ashooof iwlaydeeee walaht 3alayh 5anat 7ayleee yadris ihnaak ibroo7aNoor: mashallla alla iywafga shino yadrisold lady: iyafig il jimee3 inshalla walla yadris dictora madree shiysamoona hatheeeNoor: hehehehhee 3adil kalamich dictoraold lady: walla madree ishyabee ib hal shiga wil '3orba shahada o 3indaa bas 5ala9 i6labaNoor: walla hathee il dinya inzain 5alteee wain a'3ra'6ich?old lady: kahom youma laysh?Noor: 5altee ta3alay ma3ayold lady: haw wain aroo7I carried her stuff and helped her out of her seat she was sitting at the economy and I know how awful the chairs are and specially for an old women ra7 tit3ab I took her to where I was sitting in first class I sat her down buckled up her seat and layed the chair down
Noor: 5altee ileee yamich isma Ali itha gam sowlfay ma3ah tara wayed i7layw o 7aboob o itha ba'3aytay ay shay goolee 7ag il mo'6eefa itnadeenee ana bakoon ga3da waraold lady: walla may9eer ilee ga3da itsaweena agawmich min mokanich 3ashan itroo7eeen titkasirayn wara o tit3ibeenNoor: la walla ta3abich ra7aa o ana mirta7a wara intay 7isbat omeee o hatha 7ag il bint 3ala omhaold lady: 3asa alla iy7af'6ich wiy5aleelich omaymtich wala ya7rimich minha wiy5aleech laha yarabeeee o walla ya ba5at.ha feech itha hathee 3amaylich Noor: ameeen walla da3witich hathee tiswa il dinya o mafeeha, ana a5aleech il7een irta7ay shway I put the pillow behind her head and covered her well and went back to sit in her seat silent tears were rolling down my cheeks as I remembered my mom I missed her so bad