I know it's been forever since I last posted and I doubt that anyone is reading but I need to end this story because I'm taking forever to write it!
Every detail of this story is true except for the names off coarse it's not my own story but it's a story of someone that I know.
Mabeee a6awil akthr mn chthy so enjoy ;*
I sent the picture to azeez while my heart was pounding and my palms were sweating! I know that it wasn't the right thing to do but I couldn't handle all the nagging I gave up fast and that's killing me!
I can't be giving him everything he asks for it just won't work i'll end up screwed!
3azeez: mo mn9jch '3aloooy kilish moo wa'67a!
'3alia: olaaaa 3azeeez kil hathy o mo wa'67a shno adz akthr mn chthee! Lat5alene at7asaf inee dazaytlik!
3azez: 5al9 yoba ya kalma o rdaay mkanch!
Again 3adat 3alayh! Bs lay mta, lay mtaaa o a ana batm achathib 3alayh o I keep hiding my identity akeed byey yom o bymil
O f3lan that day has came! I felt so guilty I couldn't handle all the bullshit that I was telling him! without even asking me I decided to come clean! And that's when everything kept going downhill in our relationship!
I had a feeling deep down that later on i'll regret telling him and that he'll hate me for lying but I just couldn't take it anymore.
It was around midnight, I was in my cold bed over thinking what I'm about to do when my fingers started typing on my phones keyboard unconsciously
'3alia: 3azeeez! There's something that you need to know!
3azeez: shno?
'3alia: you have to promise me that you won't get upset
3azeez: bsmila shfech tra 5ba9teenee!!!!
'3alia: you have to promise me first!
3azeez: I promise bs yala t7achay!
'3alia: I've lied to you about my name!
He stayed quite and I got worried
'3alia: 3azeez?
3azeez: knt 7as o mtwa83 min gilteelee matabeene ashofch wlaa ashoof 9warich twa8a3t!
'3alia: I'm sorry wala matit9war shkther 6ol ilmoda wana I feel guilty w9alt lay mr7la ily 5ala9 I couldn't take it anymore!
3azeez: 3ayal shno ismichh?
'3alia: 3ithoob!
3azeez: 3ithoob? But I fell in love with '3alia! 7abayt kil shay feech 59oo9an ismichh shlon agdar astw3ib Ina Hatha moo ismich! Magdr wala shay maydish il3agil!
I started crying! My heart ached for the fact that he loved every detail about me and Im about to give up on him. I cried for the fact that I'm wasting my time and heart over a guy that I know i'll never be with! I cried that after all this time I'm revealing the true me when I tend to know that this relationship is soon coming to an end!
I cried for the selfish, self centered, naive person that Ive become! I cried for misleading the poor guy! I cried for the situation that I put myself in! I cried for hurting him and hurting myself! I cried for everything!